PRP Hair Restoration in Chattanooga, TN

Cool Springs MD Chattanooga offers platelet-rich plasma, or PRP hair restoration to the men and women of Chattanooga and the surrounding areas of Tennessee, like Cleveland. PRP hair restoration is an alternative, nonsurgical therapy for patients who require hair growth stimulation.

PRP has been recognized as an all-natural hair restoration procedure via stimulation of the hair and scalp. Thanks to the modern advancements in medical technology that have vastly improved our understanding of how tissues heal from wounds, PRP hair restoration is now an option for men and women. The procedure is safe and simple enough to be performed in a doctor’s office.

How Does PRP Hair Restoration Work?

European and U.S. medical literature shows that using PRP as a therapeutic treatment is not only safe but has been done for over 20 years as a supplemental treatment for healing wounded skin. There are autologous blood products that exist within human blood that contain necessary and targeted growth factors that assist in healing damaged tissue, as well as mesenchymal cells. Due to the efficacy of PRP therapy in certain specialty areas such as cosmetics, plastic surgery, orthopedics, neurosurgery, and oral surgery, it is evident that PRP treatment could be a perfect nonsurgical route for rejuvenating hair growth.

How Is a PRP Hair Restoration Performed?

PRP is a quick outpatient therapy for hair restoration. The doctor takes a blood sample, where the sample then undergoes high-speed centrifugation to separate the components of the blood from one another. The plasma and platelets are collected together, creating the platelet-rich plasma. The scalp is prepared before the PRP is reintroduced into the scalp where hair growth is weakest. The injections are small and often painless, and promote the distribution of the growth factors from the platelets and increase their efficacy on the hair follicles in question.

Multiple growth factors in PRP regenerate hair growth. Patients will be reevaluatef to determine if any further treatments are necessary.

The Science of PRP

PRP is a fairly straightforward science. Special cells within the PRP, called platelets, theoretically stimulate stem cells, among others, in the hair follicles to influence hair growth. Platelet cells are responsible for a number of positive cellular interactions, including first response to injury, healing, and accelerating the regeneration rate of the damaged tissue. Platelets have even been shown to illicit new cellular growth. Perhaps the primary goal of PRP research is for newly implanted or inactive hair follicles to become active once again.

Alpha, glycogen, and lysosome granules are a few of the intracellular structures that promote growth and clotting within the blood. During the process of healing, these granules are discharged.

Is PRP Hair Restoration for Me?

Before you make any decisions about potential treatments for hair loss, you should undergo a thorough, comprehensive medical evaluation. However, if you suffer from poor hair quality, decreasing hair volume, accelerated hair loss, or complete loss of scalp coverage, then you could be a candidate for PRP therapy.

Choosing PRP hair restoration treatment is a personal choice and Dr.Rowland and his team of medical professionals will educate, evaluate and screen for eligibility. In the medical and surgical fields, PRP has been a successful treatment for many years and continues to be. PRP is a safe, natural therapy that takes your own healthy cells to reinvigorate an area that needs them. PRP only uses your blood cells, so there is no possibility of contamination from other sources. The cells are never manipulated beyond separating them, so they are completely natural. Each injection will be accepted by your immune system because they are your own cells.

How Much Does PRP Hair Restoration Treatment Cost?

Every patient is different. In order to get a price estimate, it’s best to talk to our team of medical professionals. They will be able to accurately assess your specific needs. The staff at Cool Springs MD Chattanooga is both knowledgeable and kind, and we are happily available for his one-on-one consultations. We will answer any questions or address any worries or concerns.

Can I Use Other Medical Therapies Concurrently?

In short, you can. Cool Springs MD Chattanooga actively endorses the concurrent use of additional therapies and will prescribe PRP as a complement to other nonsurgical treatments for applicable patients, namely those ineligible for surgery, or those who want to wait. A combination of DHT blockers and PRP therapy with Minoxidil are a recommended alternative to surgical options. For those who can’t take these medications for one reason or another, PRP is still suggested as a viable treatment.

Men and women in Chattanooga and the surrounding area of Tennessee like Cleveland are both susceptible to the detrimental effects of aging, specifically hair loss. Embarrassment or loss of confidence can often be a result of these seemingly inevitable effects of aging. Cool Springs MD Chattanooga offers PRP hair restoration that will restore your outlook by helping you achieve a healthy head of hair. Contact our office at 423-401-8034423-401-8034 to set up your appointment for PRP therapy.